ExpressMarine modeling workshop
NDAR, Antibes, 6-7 June 2018
A 2-day ExpressMarine training workshop will be held in our offices on 6-7 June 2018.
The instructor is Stéphane DARDEL, NA. The course will be held in English, and other languages will be supported (French, Italian).
The course is for beginner users. The materials covered include:
Modeling environment and GUI
Model hierarchy
Project setup
Framing system
Modelling: Start from scratch
Shell node
Cutouts and openings
Custom objects
Interface to ShipWeight
Course fees are 650€ / day, lunch will be provided. Advance payment of the fee is required to confirm registration.
A minimum of 2 registered attendees is requested to maintain the course. Registration will be accepted on a first come first served basis, places are limited.
An ExpressMarine license will be provided during the course free of charge, and participants should bring their laptops,wit hRhino3D version 5 or version 6 installed. Any modern laptop or netbook will run ExpressMarine comfortably in the context of the training course.
It is encouraged that participants bring their own plans and drawings in order to work hands-on their own projects.
A discount of 10% on the course fee is granted if purchase is bundled to the acquisition or rental of the software. Please consult NDAR for further details on the licensing options, and current commercial offers.
For more information or logistics questions, please contact